I once read that Michelangelo would stand in front of The David and yell "come out" as he chiseled away for hours at the stone. He could see the end result in his mind. The David was a living thing that was hiding inside the marble stone.
....so here it is my philosophy with this sculpting thing. A rock, stone, pebble, or what seems like a boulder at times is given to us when we are born. The only condition for its acceptance is that we mold it whichever way we want, but mold it we MUST! However, it is alright if we decide not to work on it at all but the consequence of such act is that it will get heavier, bigger, and more cumbersome to carry the rest of our lives.
Challenges that we encounter each and every day are absorbed by this "rock" and as we move forward in life it can get bigger and heavier. We can also add to its volume by the amount of material things we acquire that require more and more attention and effort to maintain.
Shakespeare once said that "brevity is the soul of wit." Why not be brief to the challenges that we bring upon ourselves or the things we MUST acquire to make us HAPPY?
Don't take too many things to heart and don't take yourself too seriously.
Food for thought!
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