Every thought or feeling is a prayer. A prayer doesn't have to be ritualistic in nature. It is a very simple conscious contact with your internal divine power or intelligence. In order for the prayer to be effective, you must first believe that God is within you and every desire can be fulfilled as long as it is completely accepted by your subconscious mind. Once the subconscious mind grabs the desire as something real, creative juices begin flowing to manifest it.
I pray several times a day but not so much to ask for something in particular but to gain strength and faith. How many of you spend hours each week at the gym "polishing" your bodies and yet your subconscious mind stays in the car anxiously awaiting your return? Like any good marathon runner, your subconscious mind must be conditioned to go the long distance, go past the point of total exhaustion, to go over "the wall," and to push the last half mile when your legs are telling you that they can't go any further.
It is the constant inner assurance that the solutions are at your fingertips. The soft voice that whispers "one more step, don't quit now, go around the corner one more time......"
.....and then a "miracle" happens! Your prayer has been answered. Not really, miracles don't exist. What we call a miracle is the result of two or more perfect sources of energy that collide at the right moment. Sources that were created by your thoughts and not some wishful thinking.
Give it a try. Change those thought patterns and "miracles" will begin to emerge.
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