Hold your fire and finish reading my entire blog entry.
Note that I said "gone" and not "dead." I believe that every end (death) is a beginning. Kennedy's body had finally reached the end. The brain cancer he was suffering from had taken a toll on his body and it was time for his "body" to change into the spiritual realm. I can describe it like changing a set of clothes - a material set for a spiritual one.
I was never a Kennedy fan. I vehemently disagreed with him both personally and politically. I am sure most of the people who loved Kennedy, including his family, didn't want to see him depart. This is the most selfish attitude any human being can have. First, who are we to decide when a person is to die? It is the God complex in so many of us who feel abandoned or betrayed by those who die before us.
Imagine if you have a son in prison and one day someone calls to inform you that he is ready to be released from his long and painful imprisonment. You don't want him to be "free" so you ask the warden to keep him "behind bars" another 5 years because you would miss the visits, his letters, or the sound of his voice on the phone. An illness is like being in prison - a prison of the body. His time has come, to leave behind his empty cell, and you decide that because of your own self-interest he can't leave yet because you will feel "sad, terrible, or in pain."
I blame society and religion for our ignorance and fear of death. This earth and life is a temporary home. Our true home is in a state of spiritual conscience. Some call it heaven while others refer to it as astral levels of consciousness. This is were Ted Kennedy is today. He has joined his brothers, parents, family members, and those angels who guided him during his 77 year mission on this earth. Did he fulfill his commitment? Did he pay his debt? Only he knows that now that he is facing the fairest judge in this universe - his own conscience.
Someone once said that "death is the golden key that opens the door to eternity." Kennedy has reached the door and I pray that he can embrace the light and continue his journey.
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