During the challenging times in our lives, we tend to search for answers or solutions within the confines of religion when nothing else seems to work. Some people become fanatics and begin preaching and living a life holier than Jesus Christ in an effort to eliminate all the challenges or problems they are facing. And yet, I don't believe that is the solution and we are going about it the wrong way. Why wait for the hammer to fall or reach the end of the road to find the true purpose of why we are here on this earth today? Why not become a quiet follower of His teachings even when things appear to be going well? Why not welcome those challenges with open arms because it is in them that we can find our true purpose and a lesson worth more than all the gold in this world? Why not smile when all seems to be going wrong? What happened to our faith? Just words or do we believe it in our heart? Only you can answer that question.
I am not being critical of those who follow this path. My philosophy is very simple - live and let live! However, I would like to share with you a different approach and vision when those "dark clouds" come into your life and rather than blaming yourself, others, or events in your life, you simply bow your head and say "Thank you God. Just give me the courage and strength to wake up each morning and move forward and whatever you have designed for me (good or bad) I will accept it with a positive attitude because it came to me as part of (1) a test , and/or (2) decisions that I took of my own free will and this is the price that I must now pay"
I am going through what some might describe a "very difficult" time in my life both personal and financial. My business collapsed and I found myself in debt for millions of dollars, credit ruined, lost my homes, coupled with a difficult divorce and a custody battle over my daughter. Despite all this, I give thanks each morning for these "thorns" that came into my life because in each one of them I found a priceless lesson. I discovered that the answers to all of my problems can be found within me. I learned that each time I "knocked on His door" He always answered, perhaps not as quickly as I wished He would, or not as wide as I wished, but the door always opened or He send someone else to open it for me. I learned not to fear anything. Let me repeat it again......I LEARNED NOT TO FEAR ANYTHING! The reason for that is that the most important thing I have right now is not my material possessions, my credit, my reputation, what others think of me, my job, even my family because they can betray me at times..........it is life itself my friends!
This is the lesson that I would like to impart to you today. Immerse yourself with the awesome feeling of being alive right now and give thanks for the blessings that He has given you - good or bad.
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