Why is there inequality of wealth in this world? Obama mentioned during his presidential run that he wanted "to spread the wealth around" among all Americans. It sounded like a very noble ideal (except to Joe The Plumber and the other 49 million who voted against him), but it doesn't work. I am going to approach this argument from a spiritual and not a political standpoint.
What happens when you DO spread the wealth equally to all men? I've always believed that if you put ten men in an island with the same amount of money and opportunities, one will control the money after one year and the other nine will be working for him. Not everyone has the same motivational level to succeed, to take risks, to work hard, or be thrifty. However, lets assume that everyone has an equal share of the pie and there is contentment throughout the world. What would happen to inventions, new companies being created, medical discoveries, the overall well being and progress of the world? The answer is "dead silence!" World progress would come to a complete standstill. There will be no incentive to move forward. Human beings become idle when they feel comfortable and content, thus losing the urge to grow.
....to be continued.
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