You haven't really lost anything by being rejected. How many times we want something in life but are too afraid to ask for it or to take a chance in getting it. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. You ask a girl to dinner and she turns you down. You didn't lose anything since you didn't have anyone to go to dinner with in the first place before you asked her. You didn't have a date before and you don't have one now. Big deal! Nothing happened to you.
You ask your boss for a raise and he throws you out of the office. So what! You didn't have the raise before you walked in his office. You still have a job and he didn't kill you by asking.
What if she would have said YES? What if your boss would have agreed to pay you more? This is a new concept....think about it. You could actually get what you want by asking. What's the best possible outcome you could get by not fearing a rejection? I am sure you can answer that question.
Food for thought!
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