Growth and development in our lives requires at times pain, sacrifice, and discomfort. One of the main reasons why most of us don't enjoy the quality of life we yearn is because we rather be comfortable than uncomfortable. Fighting change at all cost is the key element of our "comfort zone" even when we know subconsciously that is harming us. So why do so many of us rarely ever change? The answer is that we are creatures of habit. We do certain things in a certain way because "we have always done it that way, my family have always done it, it has worked for me, etc."
Lets try a little experiment. Fold your hands in your lap. Notice which thumb you have on top - left or right? Refold your hands so that the other thumb naturally ends up on top. This involves moving every finger in the previously lower hand up a notch. Notice how that feels. Does it feel awkward, uncomfortable, strange, weird, or "wrong?" Notice what your body wants to do. Does it want to go back to the first position, your "normal" position, your habitual condition? Now go back to the original position. How does that feel? Does it feel better, right, or comfortable again? Is it a relief to be back to the original position?
Stan Dale once said that "comfort zones are plush lined coffins. When you stay in your plush lined coffins, you die."
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